Sunday, November 9, 2008

Secrets of Noel Fielding's wardrobe

Gosh it's been rather quiet here lately hasn't it? Anyway, last week I had the privilege of stowing away on tour with The Mighty Boosh. You can read the full story about our Bristol encounter in next week's NME (the one that comes out November 12, date fans).

By was of audiovisual teaser, here's my chat with Noel Fielding after the grand finale, talking through his Dior top that's had more than one celebrity owner. With some amusing secrets of tour management thrown in.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well well well, there's been another little pause on the blogging front. But that's the way with the internet. There's plenty of things to see and do in the coming weeks, including the hottest of the gossip from In The City.

But first let's have a look at an awful / amazing viral video that Diesel have come up with. Yes, lets.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

ComicCon: The Movie!

ComicCon wasn't just about mixing it with celebrities and watching movie trailers in packed rooms (though there was a lot of that). It was also about meeting Jokers, Doctors, Steampunks and crazy ass people with cages of rats on their heads.

Presenting to you... the people's ComicCon!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

ComicCon: Joker's Gallery

ComicCon was crawling with cosplaying Jokers, in tribute to you know who. Here were some of my favourites...

The masked Joker, just busted out of Arkham Asylum

The Ledger Effect Joker

The weird kind of Action Figure Joker

The Too Young To Really Be Smoking Joker

Back To You... or maybe not

Kelsey Grammer was a comedy god as Dr Frasier Crane. His new show Back To You, where he plays newsreader Chuck Darling is... okay. Or it was. It's already been axed in the US.

Join the arts blog discussion here. Bang!

I Want To Believe... in The X Files

So I started a discussion over the Guardian Arts Blog about whether we world still cares about the adventures of Mulder and Scully. It's been a long old time away for The X Files, and though my spider sense is tingling with paranoid nostalgie, I'm not so sure if the rest of the world givezashit.

You can join the discussion by clicking here.

Or you could just get all nineties and have a listen to the Catatonia song.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

ComicCon: It begins...

Well I never. Here I am in sunny San Diego, and my first ever visit to ComicCon. It's like some kind of Geek Sundance, and everyone who is anyone in the entire worlds of cult film, TV, books, games and, ahem, comics is here, either showcasing or just showing off.

Already we've seen Ghostbusters, Stormtroopers, Batman and Robin, and that was just people dressed-up in the lobby.

In a second I'm off to (surprise surprise) the Doctor Who panel, with Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and most excitingly of all, Steven Moffatt talking for the first time in public about taking over the series.

But probably a bigger deal in the States is the Torchwood panel right after - Torchwood being BBC America's biggest show ever. Barrowman, and the actors who play Tosh and Ianto will be there, and so will I. Oh yes.