Monday, July 21, 2008

What's this a picture of?

Surely not the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters? Pixellated? Why yes! The reason? September will see the return of Ghostbusters Mania, which I think we all agree, the world needs. Yes, it's Ghostbuster The Video Game, which is the closest we're going to get to Ghostbusters 3. Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis have written the script, and the original cast are all back to do the voices. That's just one of the things I'll be going to preview. Hurrah! There's a sexy preview here.

On Wednesday I have the privilege of going to ComicCon in San Diego - basically the Gell South By Southwest, where everything in the worlds of cult movies, telly, books and, yes comics, will be showcase.

Check the blogs here!

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